Sunday, November 29, 2020

Mufti Day and Prize-giving

Greetings parents and caregivers,

Just a friendly reminder we have mufti day tomorrow! And school finishes at 2pm. 

We also have prize giving tomorrow at 5:30pm! Please come along and support your Tamariki. Children will need to be in school uniform for school prize-giving.

Thanks again,


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

School Assembly

 Good evening Parents and caregivers,

Just a reminder that i have sent home 5 words for your children to learn tonight. The children will be tested on them tomorrow. Also a reminder to please read with your child every day. We are coming to an end to term 4 and I need your help to get your children where they need to be academically. 

Also we have our assembly tomorrow where children must come in their school uniform and a change of clothing(mufti clothes) should be in their bags, where they can change into before our assembly. 

Thanks again,

Mariam Zaia.

Shared lunch 9th of December

 Hi all!  Just a quick reminder that we will be having a shared lunch today. And you are all welcome to join us.  Thanking you, Miss Zaia.