Tuesday, April 14, 2020

First day of Term 2

I am excited to announce that today is the first offical day of term 2. Where term 2 is going to look very different. Because we want your child to get the best education possible it is very important that you log into google classroom. Where there will be activities assigned to your child with a deadline.

All you have to do is:

I have messaged with your students username and password

To access your work please log in with your email and password

Look at the top right corner of the screen there should be x9 grid boxes

Click on the x9 grid boxes

Select Google classroom or classroom

Select to "Join" A pod classroom

1 comment:

Shared lunch 9th of December

 Hi all!  Just a quick reminder that we will be having a shared lunch today. And you are all welcome to join us.  Thanking you, Miss Zaia.